Friday, January 2, 2015

Just another step

Well I guess I should confess, I don't live in Orlando anymore. I completed my internship early. Packed up my car on December 15th and drove to Germantown, KY on the 18th. Luckily, this is a great time to go across country with gas prices being so low. I was "home" for Christmas and was able to enjoy one of the first Christmas' in a long time with every single person in my family. All my aunts, uncles and cousins were present - a big deal for a family that tends to spread out all over the world. As happy as I am to have not been the only person not present for the annual Christmas Vacation Christmas Eve watch party, I drove to KY with a heavy heart. Saying goodbye to my 8-months of post-grad independence and new adventures was incredibly hard. There are even still some days, less than a month later, that I wonder if I made the right decision. I would not have continued to work for Disney after December regardless. Now I am in the same boat as I was the month leading up to graduation. Please though, refrain from letting me know how "exciting" this time in my life is or how I can do "literally whatever I want, wherever I want". While all of this is so true in theory, and some people (including myself) might picture themselves in my exact position, navigating the big world with setbacks and heartaches - it is not fun. Those setbacks and heartaches are the real deal.

Part of the decision to pack it up and go to KY is because I possibly have a job lead in Louisville. I have been talking to a company for about a month now and was finally able to interview with them in person on the 23rd. Logically, this seems like a good idea. From everything I have heard and researched, this is a good company with good people that would give me opportunities to pay off college loans, bills and even save. It's an awkward time to apply for jobs right now, though. Everyone is out of the office for the holidays. So I left the interview hopeful I will hear from them after the Holidays - in January.

After Christmas I decided instead of sitting around on a farm where I don't know anyone and have more time to sit around in a depressive blob on my bed, I realized it had been 8 months since I have been to my real hometown of Edmond, OK. Again, I am so thankful gas prices have been so low. I drove another 14 hours on the 27th and was greeted that night by two of my best friends. When I first got here I was thankful that it was just for a visit and imagined this place as being a place where I happily come and visit every so often. I've been here for almost a week now, and the more I stay here the more I am considering not leaving. It is just so nice to be in a place that I know so well and really do like it here. I love the community I have here. I don't know anyone in Louisville. But should I stay in a place that is so incredibly comfortable for just that reason. I am a little bit haunted by everyone constantly reminding me that I am young and this is such an exciting time in my life because I can do whatever I want. What the crap do I want??? Do I want a new adventure that I could take at this time in my life? Or do I want to be in a place I know I love? The best part about Florida was that I met some GREAT people and I know I met life long friends there just like I have life long friends in OK. So I feel that given some time in Louisville (or wherever I end up) I could do the same - and I love meeting new people, in fact that is one of my favorite activities.

Anyways, now that you know my state of mind I'll share an epiphany I had about an hour ago thanks to keeping a journal - I'll keep it short don't worry. So I was reading through my journal, and I came across something I wrote right before I moved to Disney. I was really scared and doubting my decision but I just wrote, "Why not take this adventure? I am young and there is no better time." I proceeded to write about how it seems like everyone else in OK is not leaving and doing the same thing (Not that this is bad), but I will be a different person and learn new things in a new place. Maybe I didn't get a career in Disney like I had thought I would, but I need to stop looking at this as a failure. I took a step into a new experience that not many people did. Now I am just taking another step. Maybe I should stop looking at it as a step backward and just look at it as another step forward, no matter where this step leads - or doesn't lead for that matter. Don't get me wrong, I say all this now, but I know I will have a moment, maybe even later tonight or tomorrow, when I say "that's stupid - I am a failure and I know it," but that is not true. I need to change my framing of this situation into the true frame - just another step forward.

I'll end this with a desperate plea: if you know of any jobs - PLEASE let me know!! :) I am making it a goal to apply for 3-5 jobs a day. Anything you think I would be good at, just send it my way please and thank you!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Black beans for lunch and leftover pizza for dinner

Thanks to my two weeks of morning shifts, it looks like my body has adjusted to waking up at 7am. Today, however, I don't go to work until 2pm, but my body was eager to arise to a beautiful, rainy and early morning regardless. I don't really mind though. I have always appreciated the quiet of the morning. As you may have heard, Netflix released Gilmore Girls. I, being the 90s child I am, have been on a quest to finally join the ranks of my friends and know what exactly bonds the infamous mother-daughter duo together. So far it's good. I watched two episodes this morning as I pumped myself full of Robitussin, Emergen-C and nose spray.

The rest of my morning has been spent looking up graduate school options and jobs. We are about halfway through October. I need to know what I am doing once my internship at Disney ends. As of now, staying with Disney may be hard. It is looking like my only option will be to work for the company part-time for two months before hopefully working full time. I just don't know if I can afford to work part-time and pay rent, bills and student loans. The sad thing is, I really do like my job, and the people I work with. The culture at Disney is one I enjoy very much and it will probably be hard to let go of it. Although, on the bright side, it won't be hard to let go of the pay.

I started wondering about grad school a few weeks ago. It seems like most older adults wish they would've went back to school sooner rather than later, which makes sense. I mean, I know how to do school. I know how to manage my time, take notes, study and do homework. The longer I wait to go back the more of these skills I could possibly forget. The question is, what program? I've thought about a few. English education, communication, counseling and nutrition. Counseling is on its way out. I would love to learn more of the psychology field. I am so interested in it, but it would be a lot of school and money, and it scares me to look for a job in that field. English education has looked more appealing to me lately. I loved english in school. The thought of being a high school english teacher doesn't bore me. Of course, I wish I would've thought of this like three years earlier, but I didn't so I shouldn't dwell on that fact. Then there is the obvious communication masters. While I feel like I did well with this degree in my undergrad, I still don't know what to do with it. I worked a little bit doing freelance and other journalism things, which I am qualified for, but I don't think I want that for my life. Nutrition just popped up because I love to learn more ways to be healthy, so that could be interesting. I know, I'm all over the place.

While grad school sounds like it could be a smart thing in the long run, I don't have time or money to study and take the GRE, and applying to grad school alone costs money. So while I would like to have a masters someday, realistically that may have to wait. Hopefully only 2 or 3 years max before I am able to go back. So here I am, back on the job search. What I love about my job now is being a problem fixer. Guests come to the desk, sometimes way too upset about little things, but regardless I am there for them. I love that. Through working at my resort I have learned how to really work with a team and as a team, patience, and problem solving skills. It has helped me to realize that I shouldn't just look for a job that has a great pay check (even though that is a MAJOR plus), but I should always look for a job that helps me to learn new things and experience new people.

So anyways, if you have heard of any job anywhere that you think I would be great at, send me the info PLEASE! I refuse to be an unemployed college grad... and I would really love to not have to wait tables as a graduate either. :)

Hope everyone is having a lovely week and is getting a dose of fall time! Soak up the 50 degree weather for me. I miss it so much.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


Waking up happily snuggled on my memory foam mattress, smothered in warm blankets, I grab my phone and quickly find the weather app, heart beating with the excitement of a crisp fall day. My mind flashes back to the perfect mornings where the temperature would read 57 degrees. My fall dream is cut short with the realization that the high is still in the 90s with a 50 percent chance of rain every day for the next week. In an act of rebellion against the "sunshine" state, I still dress in either pants or a long sleeve shirt. This is my life, my fall time for the next four months. This may sound depressing, and honestly it is. Missing fall weather has taken a much greater toll on my attitude than I should admit. It's a little embarrassing. There are other things going on, that have probably helped to make me care too much about the weather. I am in a bit of a slump. Who invented that word anyway? Slump. I think the verb definition of the word better fits my life: 

verb (used without object)
to drop or fall heavily; collapse:
Suddenly she slumped to the floor.

This may be a bit dramatic. Don't get any crazy thoughts or concerns of the dire mental situation I am in now. I still like my job and I still have friends and I believe I still have a pretty fun personality when I want to. I am still me, and my favorite word is still joy. I think as summer comes to an end, so does my former life - officially that is. That doesn't mean I, as a person, have to change, but my responsibilities do. The past few weeks my mind has been filled with thoughts of bills, debt and the future. If anyone has any great budgeting advice or any connections to a job you think I would rock at, feel free to send it my way! Please! Everyone keeps saying, "you are in the best situation, you are young and can go and do whatever you want!" While the thought of that can be exciting and dreamy, the reality of it is one of the scariest things I have ever experienced. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

It's All a Learning Experience

It's been a month and 20 days since I left my cozy life in OKC and moved to a city that, for the most part, I didn't know anyone. Update? Roommates - good, Job - good, moving to a new city - no regrets. I think in the past year, which includes my parents moving to KY, my last semester of college, job interviewing, saying goodbye to friends who are like family, becoming financially independent and moving to a city that I really don't know anyone, I have had some great times, some great challenges and I have learned more about myself and the values that I choose to hold close to me.

1. Be open to others.
I have always been outgoing, and willing to introduce myself to just about anyone. However, I realized from this move that the reason I was so open to others was because I knew my place in OK. I had my group of friends that I had had for several years. That wasn't changing. So of course I was okay with meeting anyone who was new. If they happened not to like me, or we didn't hit it off then it wasn't a big deal, because I still had so many people surrounding me that I knew I wasn't going to feel lonely. Within my first few days on my own here in FL, I quickly learned that I was going to have to be okay with putting myself out there way more than I ever had. How can I expect to make friends if I don't maybe be a little vulnerable and open to new people?

2. Routines are great, but allow yourself to break them. 
Wake up, go to jazzercise, make scrambled eggs while watching the Today Show, go to chapel, go to lunch in the caf, go to class, go to work, run/kickbox or zumba, go to church or a Gamma Rho activity, do something social with friends, make some tea and fall asleep watching Friends. That was my schedule my last semester of college, and I loved it. Like I said, I was so extremely comftorable and confident with where I stood at OC, which isn't a bad thing, but it has made some days a little more challenging for me here in FL. College is over, which is hitting me harder and harder every day. When I am done with work I don't have a social event waiting for me to go attend. So making plans isn't a set routine anymore. The good thing is, I am slowly but surely getting to know more of the people I work with, so I have been able to make plans with new friends more and more. It is a little weird at first. These aren't people that already know me and have known me for the past four years. I kind of forgot what hanging out with new people is like, but it's really fun. Learning how everyone has ended up in this stage of life is one of my favorite things to do. Mostly because it helps me to feel less alone. We are all just people trying to make a life for ourselves after college has ended. Learning the amazing, unpredictable similarities between my story and some one else's is God's way of telling me, "See, this is good. You're going to be fine."

3. Exercise can be hard, but even 20 minutes will elevate your mood. 
Let's be real, I have gained a four or five pounds in the past two months. It's pretty frustrating. The time leading up to coming here I was the smallest I've ever been. Coming off of loosing 35 pounds will make you extremely hard on yourself when you skip a work out, or disregard healthy eating. But in the past few weeks, I've been working on not being so hard on myself. Just because I am not working out three or four times a day anymore doesn't mean I'm lazy, it means I'm normal. Now this is not an excuse to throw my healthy life style out the window, but it helps me to not obsess about food or exercise. When I get off work, I am not running to the gym right away. Now I allow myself to eat at least one meal a day that is a little more calorie packed than I am used to, when I am enjoying a night with other people. I have found that a quick 10 minute ab workout paired with a 20 minute cardio session a day will still help me feel in control of my body. I also have recently started doing nightly 20 minute yoga sessions right before bed, and let me tell you I have really fallen in love with yoga, and that's coming from the girl that has hated it for the past four years. It is just a good way to clear my mind, work on my core and allow myself to really go through the day and think about where and when God showed through my personality and ways I can improve for the next day.

4. Know your income level
Oh money, why do you have to be so cruel? The program I'm currently doing is great at giving experiences, but not so great at giving out money. I am training myself to always take out enough money from every pay check to make sure I can pay my bills and gas money at the end of the month. Included in that amount is a small portion to save. Once I pull out that money, the rest is for experiences. The good thing is that I get paid once a week. I have had a few moments that make me a little nervous, especially when I think about beginning to pay off my student loans in October. But I also don't want to let the thought of money control me. It's a balancing beam. Money gets us through the world, but it isn't the world. I'm sure my parents are reading this part and getting terrified for me.

5. Count your blessings
It sounds silly. When I say that all I can think about is a cute elderly church lady leading the kids class in a round of, "Count your blessings, (clap, clap, clap) Unto Jesus, (clap, clap, clap), cause he cares for you!" But honestly, some days I don't handle this move with much enthusiasm. Sometimes I get home and lay on my bed and wonder what the point of this was or wonder where this will lead my life in the next ten years. Some days I miss the familiarity of my college friends. I can't tell you how much it helps me to really think about all the blessings I have. I am young, single and taking my first steps of independence in a state full of sun (we'll just pretend for now that it doesn't rain every day for at least 30 minutes). When I think about that, I know just how lucky I am and how happy I am to be breaking the mold and doing this crazy adventure on my own. I honestly have absolutely no idea where this will lead my life in the next ten years. Maybe I will still be working for Disney, and wearing the coveted plaid uniform (guest relations), or maybe I'll be working for a different company or in a entirely different state. Maybe I'll be making dinner for my three kids or experiencing a different culture outside of the US. I really don't know, but moving here proves that I am open to whatever comes next.

For now, I am really loving my job and meeting all the excited families that have spent the past year planning their very first trip to Disney. Yes, I have encountered some guests that I am less than enthused to have encountered, but the guests that pull me aside and thank me or tell me how grateful they are to be at Disney with their loved ones make me love what I do. I have shed a few embarrassing tears after witnessing families laugh together and make lasting memories.

A lot of you have asked when I am coming back to OK, or how long I will be in Disney. Here is the answer: I moved to Florida. I am here indefinitely. As of now, I am not sure what I would go back to OK for. I would love to come and visit when time and money allows it, but I am really letting God open and close the doors he wants for me to show me where and when to go somewhere. Oklahoma will always be a home to me, but I know I am not the type of person to go back there come January and spend the rest of my life there.

 I know I am in a different stage of life than the majority of my college friends, but I hope you are taking this summer, post college, to learn even more about yourself than you ever have. It is truly a challenging, but rewarding experience.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Getting in to the Swing of Things

Some pictures from Art of Animation

Front Desk at Art of Animation where I work! 

Some sketches from the Character Development Wall at Art of Animation

Some early sketches from Cars and The Little Mermaid

(an early sketch of Ursula from The Little Mermaid) 

Just a few pics of the resort that I work at! 

Okay so I have been working at my location (Disney's Art of Animation) for almost two weeks now. This past Saturday was my last day of on the job training. I passed my assessment and took off my "earn your ears" badge!

Basically, I check guests in and out of the hotel. It seems repetitive, but actually, I feel like time goes by pretty fast for the most part. It helps that I really enjoy meeting all the new people and talking to the many guests that come through the hotel. I've had a few guests that have really reminded me why I chose to work at Disney. I love seeing the families that are just so excited to be taking their kids on their first big Disney vacation. I also have enjoyed getting to know a few of my co workers. Everyone is very nice and helpful so I feel comfortable asking questions whenever I need to.

When I was training I had all early morning shifts from around 6am-2 or 3pm. This week, however, I have had all late shifts from around 5-2am. I thought I would hate the late shifts, but I ended up really enjoying them. I like it better than the early shifts because I have my whole day to get things done or go enjoy a park before work.

I have the next two days off, so I am looking forward to relaxing and maybe exploring some more of the parks or resorts!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Introduction to Hospitality: Lodging

Well this is my first day off after a week of 8-4 training, and man am I enjoying it. I woke up this morning, ate breakfast with Kimmy (one of my roommates) and then spent the afternoon in The Magic Kingdom. It is pretty crowded today since it's Memorial Day Weekend and it's super hot so we didn't stay too long. Just long enough to ride the new mine train rides that opens next week! Make sure you get your fast passes now for that ride, because it is great! It's like a combination of a story ride and a roller coaster. It was a short ride, but I really loved it!

Now I'll get to what many of you have been asking about, my first week of training.

Since I am hospitality/front desk at a resort, I think I have one of the longest training schedules for a CP role. While all of my other roommates have spent this week completing their on the job trainings, I have been doing the first half of my training in class at Disney University all week. Monday I actually had an intro to Art of Animation at the casting center near the resort. So I was in a room with all new AoA CPs and we toured our resort and learned some cool, fun facts about the resort. It is Disney's newest value resort, and I would argue to say it is the best value resort. There are four sections of it: Cars, The Lion King, The Little Mermaid and Finding Nemo. Each section is themed to the movie. The second you walk into a new section, you know. It is crazy all the details that go in to the decorating and architecture. When you first enter the resort to check in you are in the Hall of Animation, which features huge pictures of some of the early, never released sketches of characters from the four movies. It is really cool because it starts in black and white and you can see what some of your favorite characters were originally sketched to look like. Some of the character sketches are completely different from the final product. As you continue walking, they slowly begin to look like the characters we know and love and eventually they are in color. A director from each movie has come to the resort and signed some of the sketches we feature, and even Jodie Foster (the voice of Ariel) came to the resort and signed a sketch of Ariel.

From Tuesday through Friday I was at Disney University all day with the same class and facilitators being trained on the lodging computer system called Lilo. They really did a great job for preparing us for many different types of check ins that we will encounter. We would usually run through a scenario with the facilitator on our computers and then we would enter a lab that is set up like a typical resort front desk and we would role play being a guest and a front desk cashier. It was pretty challenging. Wednesday and Thursday, the girls I car pooled with and I left feeling very tired and frustrated. It is just so much information to remember and it is nerve wreaking because we play such a big part in the guests vacation planning, so it feels like there is little room for error. Yesterday, our last day, we had a final lab that was sort of like a comprehensive final. All of us actually left class that day feeling pretty good and confident that we have learned a lot. So at least we left feeling encouraged. Although it was sad to say goodbye to our class since most of us are all going to different resorts, and it was sad to say goodbye to our facilitators because they were really great. They were so approachable, knowledgable and nice. We all really appreciated their teaching style so much.

Tomorrow is my first day of on the job training, and I can't describe to you how nervous I am. Kimmy and I stopped at Art of Animation for lunch today so I could see how long it takes to drive there. The check in line at the front desk was so busy!!! I just really hope my on site trainer is as great as my facilitators were during University training. I will be working from 6:15am-2:45pm. My whole week this next week starts around 6am. I am not looking forward to waking up super early, but I am glad to get off of worker early instead of working late into the night/morning. I am also excited for tomorrow because my aunt and uncle will be here! So I will meet them at Magic Kingdom after work! It will be a long day, but I am excited to see them.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Post Grad Life = humidity, Disney and new beginnings

Well it's May 13. I am currently sitting in my new Disney apt at Chatham Square watching Kelly and Michael. One day in, and I am slowly realizing how big of a jump I took into something completely new. Let's back up a little.

Graduation came and went. The weeks leading up to graduation were, of course, full of tears for me because I am an over-emotional girl. Saying goodbye to my friends, mentors and club was hard. My last weekend in OKC was spent finally participating in the OKC Memorial Marathon (5k) and having a sleepover with some of my best friends. The time I spent with them was so fun and saying goodbye early the next morning was hard. I am sad I won't have another college summer spent with these people going to get snow cones, being a counselor at camp and just hanging around eating stuffed crust and watching documentaries. After our goodbyes, I drove 14 hours by myself to Germantown KY, where I spent a week in farm country central with my parents. I am glad I was able to spend some time with them before I leave and have my mom help me prepare to move, but man, farm town is BORING. It was also this depressing in between time after graduation where I suddenly went from being surrounded on every end by 2,000 people around my age to all the sudden it just being me and the cows. I was really missing OKC and social interaction. So off I went on my 10-hr road trip to visit my cousin (more like sister) Tori and her family in North Carolina. It was a perfect two-day trip with her. Even though Tori and I live completely opposite lives, she will always be my sister. I am glad we were finally able to spend time together.

Soon, it was time for the big move to Orlando. Another 10 hours later I arrived and was greeted by friends from my social club at OC, Caitlin and Carly. It was a great reunion and it felt good to be around OC people again. I was so tired and once we got back to the hotel I felt a little bad to be the first one to fall asleep around 9:30. The next day Caitlin and Carly took me to a church they found when they lived here called Concord Street Church of Christ. I was very impressed and felt so welcome by everyone there. It is a surprisingly big church and the set up made me feel a little bit like I was in the movie Footloose (one of my favorites!), except without the super conservative no dance rule. After service we met Rhonda, and let me tell you, the lady is the embodiment of hospitality. She welcomed me with a big hug, gave me her address and told me to come any time. We spent the night at her house that night, and when we pulled up to the driveway we were greeted by a "Welcome Caitlin, Carly and Sadie" sign, shrimp cocktail, fresh fruit and chocolate and punch! I can't get over how welcoming Rhonda is. In this huge city, where I am realizing I really don't know anyone, it is the best feeling to know I have someone who I can call and will help me whenever I may need it. I honestly don't know how I would survive a move if it wasn't for going to church and finding a second family in an unknown place.

Yesterday was the big day! Disney check in/move in day was crazy. I felt like a freshman again, which is always an over intimidating experience. It was exactly like a freshman orientation with a little more new-hire paperwork and waiting in line involved. First we got our housing and work location assignments. My roommates and I are so glad we got assigned exactly what we wanted (3 bedroom in Chatham). We then took a bus over to Disney casting. Did I tear up when I walked through the Alice in Wonderland door? I'll never tell. Walking through the doors of casting, we were greeted by a beautiful, tall room with gold statues of some of my favorite characters like Mickey, Chip and Dale, Pluto and more. Walking into that was so exciting for the kid inside of me. A good 30 minutes later though, I won't lie, I was sick of waiting in line. We got our work assignment, did background checks and that was basically it. Except it took us three hours!! My feet were killing me, and you try waiting in line with a ton of loud, disney obsessed people. I am a pretty positive person, but put me in a three hour line when I start to get hungry and you'll see a different side of me. Needless to say, it was a long start to my day. Once that was over it was time to move in to my apartment! Thanks to my wonderful mother helping me pack my car, moving in was pretty easy. I still have a few things to unpack, but for the most part I am settled.

The rest of the day was spent with my roommate, Megan. I am pretty lucky to have her, along with the rest of my roommates. We all really get along and we all ended up staying up late just getting to know each other. The whole time I was just realizing how new the whole experience is for me. Moving in to college was nothing like this for me since I knew so many people going in to it. I literally don't know anyone. I didn't know my roommates, and I still don't know anyone living around me. It's weird, and it does make me miss the comfortable living at OC where everyone knows each other by sophomore year, but I know this is what I should be doing. I needed to get out of my comfort zone, and last night spent laughing and telling stories with my new roommates was proof that this was right for me. Everything is a world a part from the OC bubble, but that's good. God gave me a spirit that is meant for meeting new people and trying new things, so that's what I will be doing from now on.

So the next two days are wide open for me to get settled and explore my new home. Thursday I start work with what is called Disney Traditions. It's basically the beginning of my training. I will have traditions/training for three days in a row and somewhere in that time I will get my schedule. I will be working in the Art of Animation Resort, which is one of Disney's newest resorts. My role is hospitality, and from what I've been hearing about my location I guess I really lucked out on this role! This resort does front desk differently than all the others, and although I am not sure what that means yet, I am excited to find out! Also, many people have been telling me the staff there frequently bursts out in flash mobs!! YES PLEASE. You know I am all about that life.

So I hope you stuck with me through all of this. A lot of people have been telling me to keep them updated about this Disney Program, so I will let you all know what all my next 8 months with Disney will entail! If you are an OC friend that just graduated I would love to hear how the next chapter of your life is going! Thanks so much for the texts and phone calls that let me know that even though one part of our lives is over, we will always be friends.