Sunday, September 28, 2014


Waking up happily snuggled on my memory foam mattress, smothered in warm blankets, I grab my phone and quickly find the weather app, heart beating with the excitement of a crisp fall day. My mind flashes back to the perfect mornings where the temperature would read 57 degrees. My fall dream is cut short with the realization that the high is still in the 90s with a 50 percent chance of rain every day for the next week. In an act of rebellion against the "sunshine" state, I still dress in either pants or a long sleeve shirt. This is my life, my fall time for the next four months. This may sound depressing, and honestly it is. Missing fall weather has taken a much greater toll on my attitude than I should admit. It's a little embarrassing. There are other things going on, that have probably helped to make me care too much about the weather. I am in a bit of a slump. Who invented that word anyway? Slump. I think the verb definition of the word better fits my life: 

verb (used without object)
to drop or fall heavily; collapse:
Suddenly she slumped to the floor.

This may be a bit dramatic. Don't get any crazy thoughts or concerns of the dire mental situation I am in now. I still like my job and I still have friends and I believe I still have a pretty fun personality when I want to. I am still me, and my favorite word is still joy. I think as summer comes to an end, so does my former life - officially that is. That doesn't mean I, as a person, have to change, but my responsibilities do. The past few weeks my mind has been filled with thoughts of bills, debt and the future. If anyone has any great budgeting advice or any connections to a job you think I would rock at, feel free to send it my way! Please! Everyone keeps saying, "you are in the best situation, you are young and can go and do whatever you want!" While the thought of that can be exciting and dreamy, the reality of it is one of the scariest things I have ever experienced.